As Summer is here are drawing in we all want to make the most of the warmer weather, but we can also use the sun to make our homes cleaner and healthier.
We all perspire in our sleep and especially when we get an unexpected hot night in the summer, it is important to give your bed a chance to breath which we dont always get to do in winter. Change your bedding more regularly during the summer months for fresher sleeping conditions. Wash sheets and put to dry outside – the fresh air will breathe life back into tired sheets and the sun will brighten dull looking whites.
While you are cleaning the bedding make the most of the time to give your mattress a freshen up. Shake bicarbonate of soda all over the surface of the mattress. Add more to stained or soiled areas. The crystals draw out muck and dirt and absorbs bad odors. Leave the soda on for as long as possible and vacuum off thoroughly. Pat the mattress to check for any puffs of white dust before you put the sheets back on the bed! If you have the time, you can do this to both side of the mattress. It is also a good idea to leave the mattress propped up so air circulates around both sides.
Leave bedroom windows open through the whole process as we forget the bedrooms can get stuffy at night and we dont always have the time to get fresh air in. It takes about 20-30 minutes for the air to exchange. Remember that dust mites love humid conditions and heat and moisture from your body will be absorbed by your mattress at night. This is a great way to discourage those nasty dust mites from living in your bed.
If you need a little extra help in getting your home ready for summer, try our ‘Spring cleaning and one-off cleaning service in London’. See our example list of what we can include and each one can be tailored to suite your needs. Get in touch today to discuss how we can help.